Friday, April 27, 2007

Growing Some Balls

Truthfully I think both my roomate and I need to grow some balls. My roomate in meeting and approaching new girls not within his social circle (I need to do the same), and me for fucking not kiss closing on girls.

In the last four days i had 3 clear chances for kiss closing girls. One was tonight and I am just like wtf is wrong with me because i realize it like an hour after my chance. There is like a 20 or 30 minute window with my conversation style (need to work on sexual barriers) that is perfect for kiss closing I just need to man up and fucking do it.

I gave myself an excuse tonight because I am having a date with a girl I like tomorrow (i didn't want to cheat on her? but that is bull shit). I talked with a girl for fucking 2 hours tonight and 30 mins in I could have easily brought her outside and made out with her. I have basically mastered bantor and can easily see when girls want to talk to me from their body signals (so I only go direct), so there is no reason why I should not be able to just man up grow some balls, isolate the girl and kiss close AT LEAST.

Fuck I feel so gay.. but when thinking of The Game, Style had the same problem I am having now in closing. It just doesn't feel right or feels creepy but when in reality it is completely natural and it is almost creepy and strange not to do it. The only girls I have ever kissed the relationship (not gf ever, i never have had a real gf) has gone to at least oral sex or I was near blacked out drunk and it was meaningless or least I thought so at the time.

I have a fucking power now to get any girl to laugh have a good time and open herself up to me. This girl I met tonight told me things about herself that her best friends probably don't even know, I established deep rapport and unfortunatetly I kept going into more rapport instead of transitioning into a kiss close. We were both completely in the comfort zone with one another but in reality I was nothing more than a funny guy who could be her cool gay friend instead of a funny guy who could be her cool hook up from time to time. I still haven't kissed a girl in months.

Well at least I have a date with a girl tomorrow, we are bf and gf for the week, somewhere during my bantor with her I brought it up and she ran with it (the stuff from pickuppodcast is golden). She is actually a really cool, interesting, smart girl who I find physically attractive as well but at this point in my development I really don't want a relationship so i'm not too sure what to do. She also has some crazy game which is fun to play with. I'll probably update tomorrow how the date goes, i'm gonna surprise her with a cool lunch after our scheduled trip. Plus, I already told her i have to get at least second base with her this date on her facebook (basically telling her i'm not gay) cuz I didn't even kiss her on our first date and she responded with a maybe and a funny joke. According to style maybe means yes so i basically have it in the bag as long as i don't lose my balls.

I realize now i don't fuck up talking to girls almost ever. I am getting really good social intuition really fast, but i just need to make the move. I'll update more tomorrow and pray I don't pussy out again.

- Teddy out

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Field Report

Well not really a field report because we did not go out sarging or anything but just stuff within social group. So my friend had his sister and her friend come visit him. I flirted a lot with the sister the first night (I would never do anything.. it’s my friend’s sister, plus he’d kill me) just for fun and seeing what got her to like me better, etc. I got her to the point of nick naming me and I nick named her as well and of course there was a lot of kino. The next night her friend came who is rather attractive and my friend, my other friend and his gf, the two girls, and I went out to eat. On the way I cracked jokes and made the girls laugh and (lets just call girl 1, friend’s sister and girl 2 is her friend) I got girl 2 to show interest in me. I realize now friend 1 and I (friend 1 the one with sister here and friend 2 the one with gf) probably talked too much about friend 2 in the car.

Dinner was fun and we went back to the dorms with nothing to do but drink due to lack of activity on campus. So we drank and as always friend 2 had to be AMOG of the whole group while playing beer pong but instead of getting pissed or anything I simply acted as if he was equal not above or below me. If I addressed friend 2 and he wouldn’t respond, which usually pisses the shit out of me (sorry if I come off as needy but that is just plain rude) I would just act uninterested in him and when he says ‘huh?’ I would wait a few seconds and say ‘what?’ and act as if he had been the one grabbing for my attention. First time I was with girl 2 alone I talked to her first about simple stuff like college but then asked her what she does for fun and she redirected the question at me and we flirted for awhile, but then our flirting was interrupted by a girl 3 (just a girl friend 1 was hooking up with) forcing me to play a game of beer pong. So the night went on with drinking and two AFCs came who before I would have considered competition but now I was confident enough to simply make them more social proof to me. I asked girl 2 a question she answered and then the other two AFCs came into the room and surrounded her and then friend 2 came and said it looks like you have 3 guys hitting on you and I simply didn’t respond while the 2 AFCs tried to explain or laugh and blush.

Oh so time goes by and I talk to girl 2 again and say: now that I know what you do for fun what are you passionate about? and then I let her talk while I did the vacuum technique. She liked dolphins which I found amusing, we flirted for a while and then she asked if I knew her name (I know it now but it’s a weird name.. hard to remember) which I totally forgot but acted as if I did (not sure if she could tell I think she could), so I called her zesty the rest of the night, I just randomly thought of it, I guess I was thinking about the old taco bell commercials or something. I later said I’m gonna give you a test and I asked her the three qualities that best describe herself and one of them matched my three (it really did) so she passed the test and she in turn asked me my three qualities which were genuine, confident, and outgoing (she also said outgoing), which I think are three great qualities but almost a little too cocky.

Later in the night, on the way to the bathroom, I see girl 2 coming back. She goes “hey spicy” and I’m like “wait, spicy?” while exchanging kino (I had my hand on her hip and she was touching my arm) She goes “yah like” puts her finger and a her breast goes tzzzzz then blows it and says “spicyy”. In retrospect I should of just went caveman on her right there and then and started making out with her cuz it was the only chance of us being alone and her giving obvious IOIs. I could have even said mystery’s line. But instead I played it off all smooth by going “ok” and simply smirking and walking to the bathroom then girl 1 came out and flirted with me in the hall.

When I came back to the room I was pretty drunk and decided to run some tests on girl 2 but she seemed like she wasn’t as interested anymore, we were just flirting a lot now and building up sexual tension, I probably should have used sexual barriers and (I had been hanging out with her all day since 7 and we hung out till 3am so I could do a legitimate full close). I ran the cube and this other test my friend back home came up with, which was just asking her favorite color, animal, body of water, a room with white light, and why. Each one represents something, how one thinks others perceive them, how one feels about themselves, sex life, and how one feels about death whether a window or not. The actual answers don’t matter, the why is what you recite back to them. She asked if I was a psych major, hah. Girl 1 at this point would constantly hit me in a flirtatious way and call me the nick name she made up from the night before (where I totally disqualified myself and for some reason really pissed off friend 2). At one point everyone decided to go outside and I decided not to follow partly because girl 2 did not ask me to come and it was past 3am and I was tired.

Now here’s the weird part, when they come back girl 2 goes into the other room with friend 2 and they lie in bed together and start whispering. I’m like, wow, I guess friend 2 is gonna cheat on his gf which I am pretty sure he did. Friend 2 had also amoged me earlier when I went back to the room (from the bathroom) saying how I don’t bring girls back to the room and what not. I can’t wait till next year. I’m not totally sure what happened outside but whatever happened was a pretty much 180 twist to what went on before hand. I just went back to my room and went to sleep after 20 mins or so.

Overall I was pissed when the night ended but not that angry. I learned from my mistakes or maybe just mistake. Another thing is that the girl was around 3 to 4 inches taller than me (friend 2 even negged her earlier to point of turning her off when he called her goliath, then I told her she needs to be more confident in herself which pissed friend 2 off) and I could have hooked up with her while before I would never have thought of hooking up with a girl that much taller. I would have just thought she was out of my league. I followed the model pretty well, I disqualified myself a little and had her qualify to me. I demonstrated value a few times when talking about college (she is a senior in high school, but mature for her age which I found attractive). We were both very comfortable with each other by the end of the night but when it came to seduction I didn’t push the envelope… it’s kinda hard when I haven’t even kissed a girl for like months now… shit… well, I’m sure I’ll see her again, but nothing will probably come of it now.

Sorry this field report was so long and messy with things out of order but I haven’t posted in a while so I decided to keep this blog going I had to post something.

- Teddy out

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Introduction V. 2

These versions are not sober.. those may be made later

Alright, so Teddy here:

First off, sorry if this is on the wrong note and contradictory to the previous post but this is not really a field report (I have a bunch of past ones but we made this blog to move forward not backward, maybe I will reference (write up) old field reports if they become relevant or interesting)

Secondly: We are going to try and be as real with you guys as possible, so be prepared for drunk and high posts in our blog ranting about such and such but that is usually when the truth comes out anyway.

Right now I am definitely drunk and high, but not drunk and high to the point of being stupid; I guess I could describe it like being on Xanex. The best part is that all my fears are gone, I am completely relaxed, 100% confident, and I feel like I can talk game like no other, however, I also reek of beer and weed. The problem is I cannot always be in this state and plus I do not even like being drunk and high that much (never turns out this good) because I usually do not smoke due to its side affects on how I act, think, plus I am just a lazy fuck already and I know smoking doesn’t help. Truthfully I rarely smoke probably once or twice a month (unlike Star) but (I also drink 3-4 times a week) onto more important things.

This is a blog.. I am starting this up with my roommate because we want to partly force ourselves to progress in our game and our lives. We want to document our efforts revamping our lives. I know I have definitely improved from reading the game and listening to the pickuppodcast (helped the most) and I have recently started reading some books on game like Juggler’s book and Magic Bullets.

We form our game mostly around charisma arts since it is by far the least creepy of pick up. Just being the center of attention seems strange at first and almost scary but truthfully I understand the point of it and I am actually looking forward to becoming the one being judged and sought after. After all, you only live once so you mine as well be the star of your own life.

Another major factor in our game is just being genuine and being ourselves. The power of being genuine is that you do not have to fake body language and girls respect/are attracted to guys who are confident enough to be themselves and not run fake lines and not try to qualify themselves.

Well, it’s 2:40, I’m inebriated, and I have 4 one hour and 15 minute classes tomorrow starting at 9. By the way there are a shit load of HBs at our school so this should be a fun blog. We like to do social experiments, make up our own pick up lines, and other fun shit so it’ll be fun.

I’ll try and update ASAP preferably when sober.

- Teddy out

Introduction Version 1

Here is the introduction to our blog, right now its just me and my roommate and i just learned that you can actually make blogs for free. So we both go to the same college in southern california and we have really been into learning about Neil Strauss' book, the game. I guess you could say we both were intrigued that we could improve the quality of our own game. OH, check this out my roommate, he's Teddy, if you meet him you might know why. And me, i'm Star, because i like things with one syllable. Teddy is writing his first field report and i am just sitting here watching the mortal kombat movie. Well lets see how this turns out. Star out.