Friday, April 27, 2007

Growing Some Balls

Truthfully I think both my roomate and I need to grow some balls. My roomate in meeting and approaching new girls not within his social circle (I need to do the same), and me for fucking not kiss closing on girls.

In the last four days i had 3 clear chances for kiss closing girls. One was tonight and I am just like wtf is wrong with me because i realize it like an hour after my chance. There is like a 20 or 30 minute window with my conversation style (need to work on sexual barriers) that is perfect for kiss closing I just need to man up and fucking do it.

I gave myself an excuse tonight because I am having a date with a girl I like tomorrow (i didn't want to cheat on her? but that is bull shit). I talked with a girl for fucking 2 hours tonight and 30 mins in I could have easily brought her outside and made out with her. I have basically mastered bantor and can easily see when girls want to talk to me from their body signals (so I only go direct), so there is no reason why I should not be able to just man up grow some balls, isolate the girl and kiss close AT LEAST.

Fuck I feel so gay.. but when thinking of The Game, Style had the same problem I am having now in closing. It just doesn't feel right or feels creepy but when in reality it is completely natural and it is almost creepy and strange not to do it. The only girls I have ever kissed the relationship (not gf ever, i never have had a real gf) has gone to at least oral sex or I was near blacked out drunk and it was meaningless or least I thought so at the time.

I have a fucking power now to get any girl to laugh have a good time and open herself up to me. This girl I met tonight told me things about herself that her best friends probably don't even know, I established deep rapport and unfortunatetly I kept going into more rapport instead of transitioning into a kiss close. We were both completely in the comfort zone with one another but in reality I was nothing more than a funny guy who could be her cool gay friend instead of a funny guy who could be her cool hook up from time to time. I still haven't kissed a girl in months.

Well at least I have a date with a girl tomorrow, we are bf and gf for the week, somewhere during my bantor with her I brought it up and she ran with it (the stuff from pickuppodcast is golden). She is actually a really cool, interesting, smart girl who I find physically attractive as well but at this point in my development I really don't want a relationship so i'm not too sure what to do. She also has some crazy game which is fun to play with. I'll probably update tomorrow how the date goes, i'm gonna surprise her with a cool lunch after our scheduled trip. Plus, I already told her i have to get at least second base with her this date on her facebook (basically telling her i'm not gay) cuz I didn't even kiss her on our first date and she responded with a maybe and a funny joke. According to style maybe means yes so i basically have it in the bag as long as i don't lose my balls.

I realize now i don't fuck up talking to girls almost ever. I am getting really good social intuition really fast, but i just need to make the move. I'll update more tomorrow and pray I don't pussy out again.

- Teddy out

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